Before Oly Studio, I want to talk about a post that a wrote sometime ago about "Milk Gone Bad". A very interesting post was published yesterday by Moco Loco about this lightning, and you can find out there a bit more about it.
And now, let's talk about Oly. I know I recently wrote about them, but I had found so many great things that only one post would not be enough. I'll try this to be the last one (at least until the arrival of a new collection). First of all, I want to show you these great side tables that I have found here. If you are interested in finding side tables, a very complete post about this topic was published some days ago on Design Sponge. On that post, I specially loved the first one, because it was a tree stump, and I love to take nature shapes to home decorating. Here you're two following that style:
And this one is also great:
Apart from side tables, I have found great tables, like this dining table (based on nature once again):
or this cocktail table, more classical:
And such lovely sittings!!
And I know this has not a lot in common but, I love this bowl, and you now how this works, I love it, I post it!
I always do so, but just in case you don't know, click on the images and you'll be taken to the item on the original page. Have fun!
Link: Oly Studio
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